What a stunningly beautiful day! We left Hawes around 7.30 and headed up towards Great Shunner Fell which we umade before 10.30 with a few breaks along the way to enjoy the views.

We met our friends Chris and Stephanie in Thwaite, and all credit to them they not only provided lunch (and later dinner and snacks for tomorrow) they joined us all the way to Tan Hill Inn about 7 miles further on, and it was pretty much all uphill. Thanks so much!

It was a hot one today so it was time for a bit of river water (I know it looks a bit yellow, but it’s light yellow) once my supply from Hawes was exhausted.
But we made it to Tan Hill and now we’re pitched outside the pub. Not a bad view, hey?

I’m finding a way to manage it, but my feet continue to let me know they are there. 😬
I’m just hoping they don’t get any worse and perhaps start to improve??? At least the pain was not all consuming like on some other days.
I know that I’m masking a lot of the discomfort, with blister plasters, tape and pain killers. It’s a delicate balance to strike, between just needing to get on and also not wanting to cause any real damage. And it’s not something I’d like to need to do in the long term. My journey is counted in days so I hope to get through and then I can take the time to recover.
Our young people use all sorts of things to mask some very real ‘injuries’ that they carry, often for many years. For them it might be as simple as pushing people away to avoid the risk of being let down - again. For others it will be drugs, that are not only addictive, but may well be illegal and take them into a world that doesn’t care for them and will only use them. But for a time things feel a bit better.
Sometimes all we can do is help apply ‘plasters’. And don’t get me wrong, that’s important, but eventually solutions need to be longer term. For some that might look like professional counselling, for others it’s just helping them recognise their ‘injuries’ and what they are doing to block them out. Blocking and masking is OK for a time, but eventually you need a long term solution that either allows time for healing or for new strategies of prevention to develop.
I’ve only got a couple of handfuls of days to keep going with my very minor injuries. I’ll keep masking and look forward to the day, not too long from now when my recovery can begin. Our young people deserve so much more.
Tomorrow will mark the half way point! How did that happen?
Mark you are incredible. Despite the pain you still sound cheerful and the way you are linking your journey to the journey of the young people is truly inspirational. Praying for healing of the blisters and continued good weather. As the Celts say- "may the wind be at your back"
Been praying for you Mark. That your feet will get better, and you will be strengthened with the strength that only the Lord can give. Blessings John and Pauline
Ahhh Mark we are all so proud of you. So pleased you have warmer dryer day! 🥾💪
Amazing well done, You can do it 💪 love reading the daily updates,
Was hoping to pop along to see you along the route but times are not working out this end! I hope you have another great week ahead of you, amazing charity helping the young people🤩🤩 Helen and family x
A privilege to join you and Evelyne today. Beautiful weather and scenery but it was plain to see inclement conditions were happening inside your boots. I’ve completed some tough challenges but the relentless nature of the Pennine Way in 15 days beats them all!